Tuesday, March 20, 2012


For the past three years, I have been “holed up” in my apartment (in Logan). The only time I ever left was to either go grocery shopping or to doctor appointments. I stayed in my apartment because of the negative and hostile way I was being treated by some of the other residents. I won't go into that, but suffice it to be, that I was lied about, rumors were rampant, allegations and false accusations were abundant. I was essentially, being bullied.

Also, something very devastating happened though, in October, right after my surgery. My daughter “skipped town”, owing a great deal of money to her landlord and to her utility company, along with things like her car payments, insurance, etc. She didn't want me knowing about it, but of course I found out. I also found out where she is. I love my daughter, but I don't like what she is doing and has done. But the absolute worst thing she did, when she left town, was that she took her son out of my life, and she has taken ME out of HIS! I was his primary caregiver for his first seven years (he will be 13 in a couple of months), while she worked a variety of hours. I love her, but I don't have to like her, her decisions, and some of the other negative things she does.

The only good thing that came from her taking him out of my life, is that, since he was no longer in Logan, there was nothing keeping me there anymore. So, I decided to make a change. It was time to.

However, it was also during this time that my physical health began to deteriorate. I have always said that I want to get old – and I still do – but I didn't like the 'falling apart' aspect of it. Well, I consider my 'falling apart' happened in my 50s. I've previously mentioned all my surgeries, so, I have already fallen apart. Making the weight loss surgery decision has been the best decision I could have made for my poor, worn-out body.

This last week I had some blood tests done, just to check my thyroid. All is well. However, my new doctor is a bit concerned because my blood glucose level is below normal. The doctor(s) would like to have one's blood glucose level between 70-100. Mine is at 65. And my potassium is a bit low, but that is being addressed. The only health-related issue I am suffering from is with my left hip. My new doctor wanted me to have pool therapy to see if the inflammation in my hip muscles and hip bone would calm down before he moves on to more aggressive treatment – like injections.

One more bit of fabulous news. I learned on Christmas day that I am going to be a grandmother again. I would have been happy at anything my son could have told me, but, it was the way that he told me that was PERFECT! My son and his wife have been married for three years now. But what he said was, “I finally knocked her up!” And a couple of weeks ago, I found out that my new grandbaby is a girl!

Also, since moving here, five weeks ago, my PT and his wife have taken me out to lunch and dinner so many times, I have lost count. I have also been taken to two movies. And, once a month, my new friend gets together with some of the ladies she used to work with, her daughters and her daughter-in-law, for a “Girl's Day”. I was invited to join this 'group' even before I made the actual move to Brigham City, and on Saturday, the 10th of March we ate at Olive Garden in Layton, and saw “John Carter”. It was lots of fun. I can hardly wait until next month to get together with these wonderful ladies.

Well, as you can see, all is finally well with me. I am HAPPY. I am CONTENT. What else can I say that I haven't already said.

May all of you be as happy as I am. May we all be successful in our endeavors to a healthier and longer life. God bless you, everyone.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today is Wednesday, the first of February.  I just got a call this morning, and I will be leaving Logan on the 11th.  YIPPEE!  I can hardly wait.  Thank goodness I have been packing for the last several weeks.  All I have left is what I am using on a daily basis.

I meet with my new 'manager' on Thursday, the 9th, to sign the lease and get my keys.  I have to wait until Saturday, though, to make the move.  That is the only day of the week that I can get help.  

Oh, my goodness.  I have been in Utah now for the past 15 years, going on 16.  It is sooo time for a change.  I am looking forward to adding this change to my new life.  I am sooo excited. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


BRIGHAM CITY, here I come!  The ball is rolling, and it's rolling straight to Brigham City.

I gave my 30-Day Notice to Vacate to my current manager on Wednesday, January 25th. Yippee! This means that I will be leaving Logan by Saturday, February 25th. Again, Yippee! Now that my daughter has 'skipped' town and obviously taken her son with her, there is nothing left to keep me in Logan. So, although I love my current apartment, because of the negativity and hostility I have had to live with over the past three years (I won't go into details), suffice it to say, that having lived in Logan since January 1st, 1996, it's time for a change.

I found an apartment in Brigham City, only seven blocks from where my physical therapist and his family lives. I became a 'facebook' friend with his wife, but now, I am a face-to-face friend. We have already spent some time together and we like each other. I first met LT when she and her husband, my PT, came down to St. Mark's to bring me home, following my surgery. I have known my PT, JT, for almost two years.

I am going to pay my rent for the first 25 days of February. However, that does not mean that I have to stay here that long. The manager of my new apartment in BC would like me to move in as soon as I can. So, I may be out of here in two or three weeks, or even less.

JT is getting some of the men he works with, to help me move – on this end. He is also getting some of the Elder's Quorum from his ward to help with the unloading. My son will also be coming up from Sunset, to help unload. And because of my lack of strength and other health issues, there will be ladies from the Relief Society to help me unpack and get my household set up.

Where I am currently, my entrance door opens up into a hallway. One of the things I wanted to look for at my new apartment was whether or not I would be able to have a screen door because I know/knew that my entrance door was to the outside. Well, I don't have to worry about a screen door purchase, because there is already one on the door! Fabulous. I can hardly wait until the weather starts getting warmer. I LOVE having my door open, because I am a little bit claustrophobic.

I am SOOOOO excited about the move. It's been a long time in Logan. Now, I can have a new life, new experiences, and new friends. It's like I am starting over again … having just made a life-altering change in my health and life-style.

I will write more as time permits and after I get settled in, in my new home.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Ok.  I got a picture posted on my profile.  How do I get it posted to my Blog?


Okay.  I got my pictures uploaded to my computer.  Now I need to figure out how to post one, or two of them.  Any helpful suggestions?

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I just found the box and instructions that came with my digital camera.  I am going to try to put my pictures on my computer.  Then I will try to submit a picture or two from the computer to my profile.  Wish me luck.


Since my daughter moved to the SLC area, she has totally cut off all contact that my grandson and I have with each other.  I love her, no matter what, but she has chosen to be estranged from me.  

This morning, I called my son to wish him and his wife a happy Turkey day.  I was feeling VERY depressed about not being able to speak with my grandson.  I was crying and thinking that ALL I WANT for Christmas is to see him and HOLD him.  But, I'm thinking, since Jamie has cut all ties between us, this will never happen.  She promised we would always be able to call and/or text each other, but her phone number has either been changed or disconnected.  So, now there is no way I can contact my grandson, Jacob.

But my son, Chris, told me about an e-mail he got from his sister.  It appears that she will be bringing Jacob up to Logan tomorrow so I can see him.  Boy, that sure changed my mood!  I can hardly wait until tomorrow afternoon.  I will make every moment with him count.